Tuesday, August 31, 2010

new band, Black Country Communion

Read about the new band "Black Country Communion" recently.  The band consists of Joe Bonnamassa, Glenn Hughes, Derek Sherinian, and Jason Bonham.  Billed as a US - British "supergroup", they sound like a fairly typical hard rock band, and even though they are all seasoned pros, they are aping the Audioslave template...hard charging guitar rock with hair metal vocals a la Chris Cornell (who has a better voice).  Excellent guitar by Bonnamassa, maybe this will be the vehicle for him to break out to a wider audience.  

9/21/10 - Update - I heard the disc...not terrible, but nothing original either.  The single "One Last Soul" is fairly tame, a radio-ready Foo-Fighters-ish tune.  If you're looking for some new hard-rock you could do worse than this.

1 comment:

  1. This band is awesome. They're done a couple gigs together already...

    JB released an mp3 of Blue and Evil on his website. Check it out!

