Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Found: Stoney Clove Lane (sort of)

I wrote a post about a (now defunct) band called Stony Clove Lane a few months ago, basically wondering what happened to them and why I couldn't find any info on the internet.  In response, the founder of that band (Jeremy Bernstein) wrote a comment asking me to check out his MySpace page ( see what he's been up to.  Apparently he's been working on some songs with a new group of musicians, and he calls the project "Love Eat Sleep".  I listened to the songs and thought upon first listen that they sounded a bit sleepy and nothing really sounded as strong as some of the tunes from SCL.  I listened again, and the song "Smile" stands out among the new songs, but based on what I heard, I think he needs to incorporate a few more up-tempo numbers to cut some of the sameness from his sound.  He's got a really great voice and sound, but I think if he put some more soul (as in r&b) into his music it would really kill.  I hope he gets his music released and look forward to hearing more from him, as he's obviously got talent.  Here's another clip of Stoney Clove Lane from the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock.

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